Falls are a major cause of both fatal and serious injuries of Americans 65 and older. Seniors are prone to falling, one out of four seniors fall each year.
Falls can potentially cause major injury which will lead to loss of mobility and independence.
What can be done to make sure you and your family member(s) do not become a statistic?
There are personal and environmental risk factors that can be changed or repaired.
Personal risk factors which should be reviewed:
- Review medications with a doctor which may cause dizziness, dehydration, and lightheadedness.
- Check vision and have a hearing test. An eye and ear exam is very important. Impaired vision especially if you wear bifocal or progressive eyeglasses can distort vision when going up or down steps. Also ear problems can affect equilibrium which affects balance and gait.
- Wear sturdy shoes with non-skid soles. If you are unable to tie your shoes wear shoes that close with Velcro.
- Sit on the side of the bed prior to rising and then stand slowly.
- Do not overextend your reach. Reach for objects within your grasp.
- Use assistive devices as ordered, especially canes and walkers. If you are walking and holding onto walls and furniture you have a balance and gait problem. You should use assistive devices.
Environmental Factors to Address
- Repair or replace broken floor tiles.
- Remove throw rugs and attach loose carpets to the floor.
- Repair crumbling concrete steps lead to residence.
- Have handrails and grab rails attached inside and outside residence where needed.
- Improve lighting in hallways, kitchen, and bathrooms. There should be a minimum 60 watts or 15 LED light bulb.
- Clean house and clear clutter.
- Place non-skid surfaces on steps, shower floors and in the bathtub.
You can significantly reduce your fall risks by reviewing your personal and environmental risk factors and making the appropriate lifestyle changes.
The most important thing you can do is to exercise and keep your arms and legs strong. Physical activity can be a major component in preventing falls.
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