This information is useful and we all want to live longer and remain healthy. I believe we would be in 100% agreement that this is the goal of most people. 

What is considered Healthy Aging?

Healthy Aging means different things to various people, and is determined by what is considered important to the individual. Achieving Healthy Aging maybe defined by some as being able to live independently, others being financially independent of their children, or others being able to make their own healthcare decisions.

The majority of people do agree that the choices made earlier in life greatly impact their current and future quality of life. Past behaviors which affect later life are: proper nutrition and fluid intake / maintaining good safety habits, and a regular sleep pattern, one in which an individual sleeps at least six to eight hours nightly; take medication as prescribed; avoiding excessive consumption of alcohol and not smoking or using recreational drugs. We can help our body to last longer with minimal amount of damage by regularly visiting a primary doctor, ophthalmologist, dentist and specialist as needed. You should choose a primary doctor you feel comfortable with asking a question and/or requesting further explanation if you have a health concern.

We can take responsibility for own health by having mammograms, colonoscopy, eye exams, and dental checkups. Let us not forget to exercise a minimal 30 minutes daily. Your primary doctor should be notified if there is any mental changes, memory loss, or sleep deprivation.

Make a point of remaining connected with family members and friends, read a good book from time to time or call someone and share in a meaningful conversation; to stimulate the mind. We want to remain active as we mature in the aging process, where as we do not want to become depressed, grumpy or cantankerous. Our mind is the center of enjoying a healthy life. 

Be healthy and stay healthy is the goal of most people. To maintain a healthy body is through a healthy lifestyle. Changes you make in your behavior should become a way of life if you want to become successful mentally, emotionally, and physically maintaining Good Health.

Now days during Pandemic you must: